SGPath - Veranstaltungsmanagement/Slide Seminar - SGPath-SSPath/IAP

Slide Seminar - SGPath-SSPath/IAP




Langhans Auditorium, Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology
3009 Bern


SGPath - Veranstaltungsmanagement




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Biomarkers in Pathology 2025 – Old, New and Future Friends

Join us for an insightful and forward-thinking seminar on January 25, 2025, where experts will explore the dynamic field of biomarkers in pathology. This event will delve into the current landscape of biomarker discovery, their clinical applications, and the exciting future prospects in pathology. From established biomarkers that have revolutionized diagnostics to cutting-edge technologies poised to shape the future of personalized medicine, this seminar will offer a comprehensive overview of what’s old, what’s new, and what’s yet to come. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with thought leaders, expand your knowledge, and be part of the conversation driving innovation in pathology.

Deadline for submission of diagnoses until on the platform (open as of January 15, 2025): Wednesday January, 22 | 17:00 |

Organisation & Speakers

Head of Organisation:

PD Dr. med. Heather Dawson, Bern


Frederique Scherrer, Bern 

Prof. Wolfram Jochum, St. Gallen 

Dr. med. Umberto Maccio, Zürich

PD Dr. med. Sabina Berezowska, Lausanne 

Prof. Andrew Janowczyk, Genf 

Dr. med. Jean- Christophe Tille, Genf 

Prof. Inti Zlobec, IGMP Bern

  Programm      Samstag, 25. Januar 2025

Zeit Thema Moderation/Speaker
09:30 - 10:00

Welcome Coffee

10:00 - 11:15

Slide Seminar Part 1

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break with sandwiches

11:45 - 13:00

Slide Seminar Part 2


Closing words and end of seminar

Programmänderungen vorbehalten

  Allgemeine Downloads

Please note: If you wish to register as a SGPath member, you must select the payment method “QR Rechnung - Schweiz” in the second registration step. No amount will be charged.

CME credits Participants at the slider seminar: 3 credit points
Submission of diagnoses: 2 credit points

 Preise in CHF

Was Plätze Bezeichnung Preis
Teilnahmegebühr 150
SSPath Members (regular and junior members)
Residents/students/technicians (non-member)
SSPath Non-members


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Bei einer Annullation bis/ ab
- 30 - 15 Tage vor der Veranstaltung verrechnen wir 50%
- 14 Tage vor der Veranstaltung oder bei Nichterscheinen verrechnen wir 100%
Tritt der/die Teilnehmer/in vor den oben genannten Fristen zurück, behalten wir uns vor, eine Annullationsgebühr von CHF 30.- für administrative Aufwände zu berechnen. Sie haben jedoch immer die Möglichkeit, eine Ersatzperson zu schicken.

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