UROART Basel/3. UROART Basel Symposium

3. UROART Basel Symposium




Universitätsspital Basel
4031 Basel






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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, 

We would like to invite you to our 3rd UROART Symposium on 17th January 2024 in Basel at the Universitätsspital 

In December 2022, the council of the European Union announced the intention to consider extending targeted cancer screening beyond breast, colorectal and cervical cancer to include prostate cancer. The recommendation encourages countries to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the implementation of organized screening programs for prostate cancer to reduce the burden of the disease and its mortality through early detection, based on the latest available scientific developments and evidence. However, the case is not so clear with conclusive evidence still out there; while data from the Unites States reveal an upsurge in advanced and metastatic prostate cancer cases after the USPSTF recommendation against PSA screening, recent results of the PROTECT trial question the survival benefit of whole gland treatment in localized prostate cancer. Therefore, we are more than delighted to welcome some the most renewed experts for early detection of prostate cancer at the second UROART event in Basel for scientific exchange and debate on this emerging topic. To screen or not to screen will be the question during our morning session. 

In the second half of the day, we will focus on the optimal management of men with very high-risk or locally advanced prostate cancer whose disease were most likely not detected early. The aim in these men is avoiding metastatic disease while preserving quality of life. An excellent panel of interdisciplinary speakers will give state of the art lectures on diagnostic pathways and treatment options in this population. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at our second UROART event in Basel. 

://: program coming soon

  Programm      Freitag, 17. Januar 2025

Programmänderungen vorbehalten
Eine Teilnahme ist nur für medizinisches Fachpersonal möglich!
Credits: 6 SGU

 Preise in CHF

Was Plätze Bezeichnung Preis
Teilnahmegebühr 150


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Janssen-Cilag AG, Baar


Accord Healthcare AG, Bottmingen
Anklin AG, Binningen
Debiopharm International S.A, Lausanne
Farco-Pharma GmbH, Köln
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